How we help people with disability build and develop their skills

At Mai-Wel Enterprises, we’re all about our people.

For us, that means supporting our workers with disability to build on their knowledge and strengths to get job ready. Support workers and industry specialists work alongside our employees to help them gain the most out of a supportive workplace and try different things, while still focusing on producing the highest quality products and services to our customers.

Supported Employees are rostered onto a rotation of jobs, allowing them to try their hands at different tasks. This set up helps to keep things interesting, increases productivity and provides our employees with a sense of satisfaction, fulfilment and value. If a particular job sparks their interest, it can be the perfect gateway to paving bigger employment goals.

Some of the skills that our Supported Employees have been building through different jobs include:

  • Developing numeracy and literacy skills by following visual and written instructions, counting items for assembly and packaging, stock take and quality control.
  • Building physical endurance and fine motor skills through packaging and construction style tasks, using handheld tools and equipment, grounds maintenance and cleaning offsite.
  • Teamwork and communication
  • Flexibility and adaptability across multiple tasks

We want to build our Supported Employees to the point where they are prepared and comfortable to seek employment in the open job market. With our Disability Employment Service (DES) provider service, we can easily transition them to begin this search while they maintain employment at Mai-Wel Enterprises.